Friday, January 25, 2008

Free Choice

The first thing that strikes me when I hear the term “free choice” is that of a decision we make which is not subject to the control or domination of others, something having no obligations to comply with, something which is not bound by force. I firmly believe that there is no such thing as free choice to a certain degree as we are bound by the rules and regulations of the society.
Man is described as a rational social animal. The term “sociality” means and demands living for others too and to make certain decisions that go by the norms of the society. Living together in a society means accommodation of interests so personal liberty will have to be curtailed for the sake of others. Now to live in the present society people have to develop a spirit to be able to live with others bestows upon him if some rights then a lot of obligations as well and the person cannot avoid this. We as individuals have our own life of adventure or live a monotonous daily routine based life but even that freedom gets restricted when society and the concept of society comes in.
I believe in this saying that, “Man is born free but immediately thereafter he is in chains.” If personal liberty is not curtailed then it would lead to social unrest. Many of the poets were great supporters of the idea of the concept of personal freedom but after the French Revolution their way of thinking underwent a change. The French revolution is an excellent example which shows that individuals following the mob and resorting to violence as a solution to their problems.
Free choice can be thought of from the Economic viewpoint. In a Capitalistic economy people have the right to produce and buy whatever they want to; they are not restricted by any barriers and the demand and supply of goods can be determined by price mechanism.
In a socialistic economy this is not the case. Everything has to be rationed and everyone should have an equal share of all goods .This kind of an economy works for the welfare of the people as it tries to bring down the inequalities between the varying incomes of the people. So the concept of free choice is restricted here.

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