20th January, 2009
That was a really good day. I think I’m still not over it.The day began with me anxiously studying for my history exam (or trying to) and curbing my excitement for the amazing time I was going to have later on. After I finished my exam and got into my car to go home. Guess who I hear on the radio? Yes it was him. I was so happy and his voice is just so astounding that every time I hear it I kinda melt. His voice sounded so fabulous and his sense of humour was at its peak. It took me forever to reach Cinemax since I live in the south and it is way north and we are known for our traffic so it took me some time and every second I was getting late it seemed like that I was going to miss him and he would go away. But thankfully I reached finally.I couldn’t believe that I had to buy cc2c tickets to meet him inside but I’m just crazy enough to do it. Then I anxiously waited for him to arrive. I kinda won over the liftman’s support and he signaled me when he arrived. It was so nice of him.There HE WAS. Sporting a green colour shirt with sunglasses attached to it and the most brilliant part was I was not even a foot away from him. (I kinda hate the security guards as they cause more trouble than us.) Anyways as I was saying he looked so divine even though he was so tired.I wanted to rush in after him but then the guards didn’t allow us (that is Shreya, Nilesh {my adorable brother} and myself) as our show was an hour later. So I stood there outside and looked through the glass doors to get another glimpse of him but then he was busy giving interviews inside screen 3.Then after an eternity I left my brother outside(as he wanted to be the amazing photographer) and I went in as I felt I had MUCH better chance of seeing him inside rather than waiting outside with the crowd. So Shreya and I were just standing there and I was wishing that he would come out. And lo behold he did. Just two minutes after I entered I see him coming out (looking divine again) of screen 3 to go to the loo completely unguarded. There was a moment when I wanted to just go and give him a hug but I was completely spellbound. I was so happy he was so close to me : somethinglikethis (ifyougotthat) ! xP I just couldn’t move and surely I couldn’t follow him inside there. (though I am thinking I should have. Wait no!)Then as he was coming back the security guards started flocking in again but then he stopped as he saw a small crown anxiously waiting for him outside screen 3. He was speaking something when suddenly a weirdo asked him for his mail id while he was signing her autograph and I went like “yeah right! Sure!” and as he was so close to me he heard it and started laughing and couldn’t stop. I think I just died and went to heaven that moment as I made him smile; after so long he had smiled. He gave me a smirkish smile and I gave him my diary to sign but then like an ass I dropped my pen. He took it but he was suddenly called back on and he gave it back with a shrug which seemed to say “better luck next time. Sorry” and I couldn’t stop pitying myself.I waited and waited and waited again when suddenly he comes out heavily guarded. He was walking fast. I thought this was it or never. I shouted “Farhan” so earnestly that I guess he understood my profound admiration for him. He stopped turned back and said “come, give...” and again he gave me that sparkling smile as he remembered I was the one who made him laugh. Then amidst those security guards who were trying to throttle him and me he signed for me. I gave him a sheepish smile and said “bye” to which he replied back with a wonderful smile. I think I was in wonderland and I was singing in my mind “what a wonderful world.” Then suddenly I shouted “Farhan” he looked back and smiled wonderfully and went away. I was so smitten by his mere presence that I didn’t even realize that I could have said so many things I wanted too but then I was completely numb. I mean I was really sad when he couldn’t make it earlier (for promoting Rock On!!), as he was unwell but then he made it up coming here.Now I wish he comes here more often but not for the next two months as I think my head will be reeling and spinning if I see too much of him at close quarters. When I came back home and was recollecting those wonderful moments, sadness swept passed me because there was so many things I wanted to say to him but I just couldn’t. I was just so lost and so happy to see him that I was floating and had become an ethereal being .Next time I see him I will just talk like a maniac.I would like to thank Shamsham and Saloni for been so wonderful and letting me know as I do not take Times of India. Shamsham if it wasn’t for your eve exam we could have gone again together. I missed you there. I would like to thank Farhan Akhtar himself for coming. You are an absolutely fantastic human being.One more thing I want to say before concluding Farhan Rock On!!
Aww man! :)
Lucky you.
Just reading it made my heart flutter. Haha.
It's like a total blabbingrannnt! :D
Again, awwwwww man!
:D :D :D :D
Hehe you wanna see the pictures. =)
Oooh ooh yayy! :D
All paparazzi-ish... :P
Him and his honey-grainy voice. *sighhh*
I know it was so amazing.It took quite a while to sink in. =)
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