Well it all started with a simple conversation about how much we loved Revolutionary Road and how beautiful the movie was and how the acting was flawless.Well we think that there are some actresses who are just simply brilliant and it is sad that they don't do that many movies that often and some silly actresses keep on doing the same kind of movies over and over again.And they never grow out of their former roles.
Well some amazing woman who make the cut are
Kate Winslet : Wow what A performer.What a beautiful woman and a more brilliant actor.If you still have doubts go watch Revolutionary Road,Finding Neverland and The Reader.
Cate Blanchett: I can never understand how she can act so beautifull always.I loved her in the LOTR trilogy and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.She was also brilliant in I'm not there and The Aviator.And I am not even talking about Elizabeth out here.
Halle Berry:There is one thing that gets to me is that she is not using her actual potential.She is so pretty and she can act so beautifully that it is a shame that she was trying to end her life some months back.Beautiful performer.
Meryl Streep:Wow where do I start with this woman?This woman is a living legend and she just keeps on getting better with each movie and she can put some high paid actresses to shame.Those who have doubt go and see The French Lieutenant's woman,The DevilWears Prada and The hours.
Nicole Kidman:Another Australian who is simply stunning and someone who we don't want to retire.She was brilliant in Moulin Rouge,The Hours,The Golden Compass,Australia and The invasion
Anne Hathaway: Ok she hasn't done that diverse films but atleast she is good.She is a natural actress who can handle different kinds of role and is willing to perform.She is young and she is very talented.
Judi Dench:This woman is simply brilliant.She just surprises me every single time with her performance.From Lady Macbeth to Lady Bracknell and M she is simply brilliant in every role she is given.
Whoopi Goldberg:She is one of the most interesting actresses to watch.From the Colour purple, ghost to sister act she is one of the most talented and underrated actresses.and the women who try so hard and yet cannot make it
Keira Knightley: One of the most overhyped actresses who doesn't fit into our list.She is just pretty without any substance.Simple.
Cameron Diaz: She still thinks that she is that 20 year old actress who can get away with anything.True she has done some diverse movies but somehow she is just trying too hard and it shows.The only way I like her is in Shrek.
Angelina Jolie: Seriously taking of your clothes isn't the only way to become a good actress.I thought she was good but then when I really saw her with a completely free mind without been prejudiced I still didn't get overawed by her performance.Alien won't even comment on her. xP
Sarah Jessica Parker:Seriously she is always nicely dressed but when it comes to acting naaa.She tries to copy too many people.Like Aniston for start.
Jennifer Aniston: She still can't get out of "Racheal" mode and she continues to do film on the same genre which are completely meaningless.I know she is brilliant as Racheal but she hasn't got over it in her movies.
There are way more to be added here as welland women we can't agree upon
Gwyneth paltrow: Surprislngly I like her because she is a really good actor and I have got over my prejudices to appreciate her as an artist.Although Alien Still can'tShe just shouldn't have married Martin. xP
Scarlett Johansson:I think she is one of the most gorgeous actresses ever and I think she acts well but Alien thinks otherwise because she feels that she does the same kinds of role over and over again.I agree but not whole heartedly.She was brilliant In Lost In translation, The Prestige and I firmly believe she has got huge potential.there are way more to be added later
For reference Alien is Saloni and Earthling is Anumita(me) and there is a long history behind that
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