Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I think my whole concept and idea about love is heavily guided by a longing for a fragment, which is perhaps present, between the various synapses of my brain cells. It could be a fragment of my imagination or the countless people I see being overwhelmingly(to the point of nauseating) in love that I see or encounter in my life through various forms be it books/movies or just every day altering reality. 
Having never had a functional romantic relationship till date, there is this immense sense of confusion and bewilderment when it comes to love and what it actually entails.
Being an overtly emotional person also doesn't help the cause. I have been told time and time again that I ponder too much about these things. Such things happen when one isn't expecting it, looking around for it and of course my favourite - when THE TIME is right. Screw you time, you have never been my friend.
I think I fall in love in a rush, an almost immediate feeling which leaves me bare boned. Startled that I stumble so soon, without even knowing how the person could be. In my head with their overwhelming smiles the whole battle is already won.
One of the purest rush that one can experience is when someone's smile brightens up your day, makes you feel happier overall. Yes I know that one shouldn't rely so much on someone else that it can change the course of your day, but these feelings are not controlled. They come in small triggers which runs it course through the entire epicentre, only to slowly engulf you in the frenzied tremors which sway you from one side to the other.
And you're left feeling overwhelmed,emotional,exhausted dealing with heart aches.

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