Monday, August 24, 2009

Certain fragment of a movie keeps coming back to me time and again. It isn’t particularly a lovely romantic scene neither is it a scene which is aesthetically shot. It is one of those scenes which one doesn’t ponder too much time upon. It didn’t affect me as much when I first saw it but then it came back to me much later.
Sometimes when I think about a hundred different things I have pondered upon how one acquires death. Does it come easily or is it painful? I wonder what people think before they die. Are they scared? Are they relieved? Are they helpless?
The sight of a body been pushed into the electric cremator was something I was not prepared for. I always knew that in the end we are reduced to ashes but then to actually visualize it was quite appalling.
I often wonder what happens to people after they die. Do they cease to exist completely? Do they enter the next stage of heaven or hell? Or do they just exist around us?

1 comment:

Dipankar Lahiri said...

Which scene would you be referring to here? Yes yes this happens to me too...unnoticed scenes come to haunt me later.