Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What has come of me

Wandering around hopelessly, staring aimlessly at things figuring out what is irking me so much comprises the major part of my day . I look around see people smiling gleefully. I used to be one of them but now things have changed. I don’t laugh that much anymore, have become distant from people, get irritated easily and then end up feeling miserable.

Listening to beautiful songs relating to the striking lyrics is what has come of me. Erratic moods mostly on the negative side have become my friends. And I can’t seem to let go of that, and when I contemplate about what went wrong and I can’t come up with any answers. All I have realized is that I have changed for the worse and I’m slowly distancing myself from everyone. One day I will end up sitting on a bench in the park looking at people having fun together mulling over “what if” and “if only”.


adrija.. said...

there is still time

Red Nails & Raindrops said...

I like your blog!!
Check mine out :)