Sunday, August 1, 2010

Random blabbering

Sometimes I wish I just had a time turner. To go back and relive the moments I cherish the most or go back and change some of the mistakes I have made in the past. Dwelling in the past and reliving those moments which made you smile and never fails to cheer you up whenever you are low.

Last week was a time where I got into trouble, was sad but somehow everything seemed better and felt that things would get better and all you needed was to have faith and work on things and a silver lining was nearby. It wouldn’t have been possible had I not had the company of some lovely people who make me feel loved and treasured.

I’m a people person. I cannot stay alone. I need to spend time with my best friend and the rest who mean something to me. I may like to brood on things in solitude but if I continue in that manner I start pondering upon every little thing which went wrong and come up with “what ifs”.

Catching up with an old friend and talking for a couple of hours with her made me realize that I will never stop being extremely fond of her. She still is what she was to me six years back. A close friend who I look up to and someone on whom I have tremendous faith.

Then there is this other friend with whom I have insane times with no matter what we are doing or where we are. I’m so glad I bumped into her during tennis lessons and jumped on puddles of mud in the rainy season, shared chocolate fantasies with when we were both penniless and searched our bags for the exact amount. I went into a state of shock for a while when I heard her dog had died. It had slipped my mind and when I heard the news I was in a state of shock. It still hurts me.

Then this friend is someone who is… wait for it “Truly Awesome”. The amount of arguments I have with him is not even funny. I’m glad to have him around because I feel much more at ease when I can completely unwind myself and tell everything and anything about me and how I perceive things. It’s scary at times how he knows me more than I know myself but I guess that’s what best friends are for. Somebody I’m extremely fond of and can cheer me up from the worst moods possible. He treats me like a kid and recently I have taken a fondness in behaving like one. That’s why he comes up with a new pet name which is kind of cute but seriously a cow? *sighs* You still retain the favourite person title though.

Then there are rest who are there to cheer me up and make things brighter for me with loads of affection and advice .Thank you all for being there for me.

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